Monday, April 21, 2008

Magic in the real

Thanks to my sister, I have been doing a lot of research on Georges Melies. She sent me an awesome kids book based on Georges Melies work, called The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Georges Melies was one of the first great cinematographers. It's really beautiful and totally up my alley. I feel lonesome for the late 19th century sometimes. I wish that I was alive when all that magic was happening...real magic. Nothing computerized and digital and plastic. Everything was wood and glass and fabric and paint and paper. Photography and engines and professor inventors and Mark Twain.
I noticed that sometimes I like to dress in that time period. Like a man in that time period....corsets are hard to find...and long dresses are cumbersome. It's easy these days as it's kind in style to wear vests and keys and oxford shoes. I long for a pocket watch. If I were able, I would totally grow a curly mustache. I get instant crushes on guys with curly mustaches... crushes on dandies (don't tell john).
Anyway, it's interesting.
It has also sparked a renewed love for this song...and its it because it's beautiful.

I am also suffering from some late 20th century nostalgia.

1 comment:

nicole said...

I am so glad you enjoyed the book...I gave the book to all you young kid sisters! and brother!
A lovely book. A keeper.