Saturday, March 15, 2008

sometimes I worry

Sometimes I worry the blogging culture is taking over.
Look at me, I have two of them, and little embarrassed about both. Yet here I am, and I don't know why. I don't know why I want people to read this. But I want them to. I want to know that you're reading this. Leave a comment
This piece of shit blog.
I did that thing you know, where you click on the next blog, and it takes you to random blogs (usually written in spanish). The ones that I understood seemed kind of...vanity. Which is exactly what this one is. I guess it's what they all are.
It's an excellent tool for any random nobody to display their talents and possessions and children and travels. Most of it is boring, yet I find myself totally sucked in. Hoping that someone out there in the great wide world will strike me with something profound or clever or interesting.
This is what I have discovered:
1) All babies are cute.
2) All children are hilarious, and sometimes get sick.
3) Any food can look tempting given the right digital means.
4) We are all crafty and talented and have impeckable taste in paint chips.
5) Every flower is beautiful. Every sunset a total stunner. Spring is here
6) The renovations are coming along nicely.
7) The stuff you bought on ebay is super cool and a total deal.
8) Our husbands are a total dream.
9) The Eiffel tower is in Paris.

I don't want to step on toes. I like the blog world, I just sometimes worry about it. We behave this way in real life as well. It's human, we have always wanted to find a way to put ourselves on display.
Sometimes it's just alarming how out there we are with this. I have a web-page so HERE IT IS!!! Take a look. By the time you see a person face to face, there's nothing to talk about because you've already read the blog. I don't need to see the pictures of your kids that you have tucked away in your wallet, because I check you flickr site every week. I don't need to remember your birthday. I don't need to ask you about your trip to Europe. I don't need to see your house, or look at your garden. I don't even need to ask you why you're sad, but I can send you this fantastic e-card. It's all just there.
It has made the personal, impersonal. It makes me sad a little. It has the potential to get out of control.
I like hanging out with humans.

Hey, you should totally check out my other blog. I'm going to post about my life in Berlin!