Friday, January 11, 2008

nonsense number 1

I've been thinking a lot about things.
Berlin is a very huge challenge. Not just geographically speaking...or not speaking, but also in the day to day.
I am not bummed out or anything, in fact, quite the opposite. I feel ready to face this coming year with energy and gusto.
Since arriving, I have become very inspired to do something amazing. I want to make some art. But I think the art I want to do is not quite Berlin styles. There are a bunch of art openings tonight, and there's a posse of ex-pats going around from gallery to gallery. To tell the truth, i am thankful for my sore throat that will keep me home tonight. I have never been fond of openings. I am not a fan of the wine or not.
I am encouraged by the fact that I want to make shit. This hasn't really happened in years.
I went for a walk today. I have an appointment with a potential employer tomorrow, and I wanted to be sure that I know where I am going. So I walked into Mitte. It's not a long walk. Everywhere I walk is interesting these days. The sun was setting, turning buildings pink. I was heart-glad that I came. I can do this.
If I can, anyone can. I am sure.
I had huge idea of what I would write here, but it's all forgotten. sorry. so it blogs.