Friday, November 02, 2007


The romance has been taken out of travel a little bit. it's kind of crazy that you can buy an airplane ticket in your pj's. i think a taste of excitement is held in the actual ticket. never the less, i have my ticket, and i am excited. the boys leave in a few days, and they are thrilled. at least, ben is. i hardly ever see chad. december 27th. til june 8th. the truth is that i don't konw what i'm doing, but going for a year freaked me out before. i have set my sites lower this time. i can't wait to be there. i kind of already my daydreams. i am jealous that ben and chad are going to be in paris in a week and a half.
do you know i love paris?
i do.
i am thinking in very short sentences tonight.
my friend dave came into foundation tonight. dave and i have the exact same birthday....he is my gay soulmate. i feel nothing but pure joy when i see his face. he came in 20 minutes before i got to leave so after work i sat down with him and his new boyf. it was nice. i think i sort of relish meeting new people. establishing friendships. it's also pretty great when people you really like are with people who are worthy of them. dave's new fella is a keeper.
it's been a dramatic week. i've fallen straight on my ass bone, and it hurts like the dickens. i've also stuck my nose in something that is not my business, but ultimately, i think i've done the right thing. if i makes me unpoplular with one or two poeple, so be it. i simply do not tolerate domestic abuse.
that's it.