Sunday, March 23, 2008

I can do this:

I can do anything I want.
Faith. Trust. Love. Money. Hard Work.

1. Stay Calm, Be Brave
2. One Foot in Front of the Other
3. Make it Awesome


Amy.E said...

Yes you can.

Erlandson Family said...

i can't NOT post after reading post after post of yours.. just found your blog through another and kept reading because the writing beckoned it... also the fact that you enjoy l.m. montgomery, think people who can't spell may not be that smart, like gillian welch and take pride in your eclectic taste in music but admit to liking the dixie chicks, know the comfort a cuppa' tea can bring, were a shy little girl and still feel that way, enjoy traveling, work / worked in a coffee shop, etc.. anyway, i'm all those things too... just had to write when the similarities were so well, similar... enjoyed your writing.. keep it up..
(met you at heather and trevor's wedding)