Tuesday, June 06, 2006

old as the hills

I have just been contacted concerning my ten year high school reunion. I am old.
I don't want to go. The whole concept is a little whack, especially if you were a loner-type. I still speak to the two friends I had in high school.
Sometimes I am sick of my job.
Sometimes the stigma attached to being a server at The Foundation is a little much to handle. Becasue I work there, people expect me to be cool and snobby and scene, so they treat me as such. Girls especially. I work there to pay my rent, not to be seen by hipsters. I feel like I am being judged, and watched so closely. That, compounded by comments customers have made to me about my appearance, makes getting dressed to go to work an anxiety-filled and stressful experience. I feel like I want to print an article in the hipster magazines and explain to the masses how difficult it really is to serve 13 tables all on your own. That's a lot of drinks. That's about 50-60 people to serve all at one time. Not to mention that we're expected to bus and bill and seat everyone.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be there, and am lucky to have a job. It's not even The Job, but the attitude that seems to just waft up the seats. Of course my response to that is going to be less than warm. I try to like everyone, I try to work as hard as I can, and be as pleasant as possible. That's how my mother raised me.
I think the part that gets my goat is that, sometimes the masses are right. I have seen some pretty bad srevice, I have given some pretty bad service. (I have a strict policy not to encourage grownups who insist on acting like babies.) I do know that some people put out that too cool to work for you vibe. And it bothers me. But I don't want to spend my hours comparing myself to everyone else. It's a waste of time.
So I will try to be cheerful.