Wednesday, May 31, 2006


You know, I am one lucky girl. I hope that whenever I feel down in the dumps and unloved, that I remember today.
I am lucky beacuse I have friends who can fly single engine airplanes, who will fly me over the west coast. To see islands and inlets and beaches and my parents house from 2000 feet. I have friends who will snuggle with me in four man tent on some remote island, and not once mention my snoring. I have friends who are totally cool that I only want to drink two beers while they get wasted. I have friends who ask me to tell them all the ghost stories I know. I am lucky. I have friends who tell me they miss me, and get worried about me while I am in a single engine airplane over the sea. (who don't mind if i steal neautral milk hotel lyrics) I have friends who are glad to see me after months of away-ness to hot chicks in hot lands. I have friends. I do.
I have friends who read my late night ramblings, who love me anyway,
I am lucky.
I also have a kitten who purrs.